Paris Hilton Hot Photo Gallery ~ Hollywood Sexy Celebs
Hollywood Sexy Celebs

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Paris Hilton Hot Photo Gallery

Paris Hilton Hot Photo GalleryParis Hilton Hot Photo Gallery

Paris Hilton and Benji Madden PicturesParis Hilton and Benji Madden Pictures
Britney is reportedly dating rocker Benji Madden, the brother of Joel Madden and ex boyfriend of Paris Hilton.

Paris Hilton Jewelery Paris Hilton Jewelery
Hilton's home robbed; jewelry is missing :: Los Angeles police are investigating a burglary at Paris Hilton's home they say left her bedroom ransacked and about $2 million in jewelry missing.
Los Angeles police Officer Julianne Sohn said the break-in occurred around 5 a.m. Friday at Hilton's home in the Sherman Oaks area of Los Angeles. Sohn said detectives report a man wearing a hooded sweat shirt and gloves broke in through the home's front door and ransacked Hilton's bedroom.

Paris Hilton Christmas ShoppingParis Hilton Christmas Shopping

Paris Hilton with her new pink carParis Hilton with her new pink car


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